Stroke is a global concern amongst people and to be completely aware of it Dr. Pravin Ganjare – one of the Best Neurosurgeon in Pune, has laid down certain risk factors one can modify.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) – It is the most dominant stroke risk factor and the easiest to modify. Check your blood pressure regularly and keep it under control.
Weight – Being overweight predisposes you to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, all of which increase stroke risk. If you are overweight, modify your diet and limit your intake of fatty foods.
Smoking – Tobacco use doubles your stroke risk. If you smoke, stop.
Diabetes – makes people susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, which can result in controlled.
Prior Stroke or TIA – Increases your risk of having another stroke. Certain medications may decrease stroke risk if taken regularly.
Heart Disease – Heart conditions, especially atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeats), increase stroke risk. Certain medications may decrease the risk if taken regularly.